Female Only Gyms: yay or nay?

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I’m going to try not to sound too sexist as I write this article, but there are some gym things I can’t stand that have to do with men (sorry, men, love y’all). As women, most of us who work out have probably experienced at least one of these scenarios at the gym:

  • Getting asked out
  • Being followed around the gym
  • Getting eyeballed a little too hard by the meathead next to you
  • Feeling insecure during that time of the month
  • Having your form corrected
  • Getting stared down while someone is waiting for your machine
  • Feeling intimidated walking into a room full of guys

I personally have experienced every single one of these. If you have, too, you know it’s downright annoying to have to worry about anything other than getting your workout in. I go to the gym to feel good and get a sweat on, not get hit on.

And I’m not saying women can’t be held accountable for any of the above scenarios in the gym, but it’s more likely that any form of “gymtimidation” towards a female is caused by a male.

Don’t get me wrong, I love men. I’m dating an incredible one, and I’m friends with many. I’m in no way a “man-hater”, but I just feel more comfortable in the gym when I can focus on my workout and sweat my face off without worrying about a testosterone-fueled meathead trying to intimidate me to give up the machine I’m using. Not that all guys do this, but when it does happen, it’s infuriating.

It’s been my dream for awhile now to open up a female-only gym. One that has just as many free weights, squat racks, and benefits as some of the nicer co-ed gyms. I love working out in the female-only section in my current gym, I just wish it were bigger and had all the amenities. There’s not a huge market for traditional-style gyms that are female-only, but I think there should be.

There are many benefits to a female-only gym. Here are some common benefits I’ve heard from women:

Don’t feel like putting on any makeup or wearing cute gym clothes? Perfect. You don’t have to worry about any of the other women making comments about what you look like with a naked face (and, yes, I’ve heard these kind of comments), because they’ve all been there and they get it.

Maybe it’s that time of the month, and you feel bloated and just blah. Every woman knows that feeling, and it’d be comforting to be around people who all get it.

Worrying about sweat marks on your butt or stomach or wherever? It would be a thing of the past because the high majority of women there aren’t going to be staring at you and snickering at butt sweat. (Not that you should be worried about sweat marks anyway, but I know some women who are.)

In an all female gym, you wouldn’t have to worry about getting hit on while you’re minding your own business. There’s still a small chance that you could get hit on, I suppose, but other women are way more likely to respect the fact that you’re in the gym to workout.

Wouldn’t it be nice to join a club where women share the same passion of fitness and health? Where you could talk to other females about female-related issues? Where you don’t have to worry about being intimidated by the opposite sex while you’re getting your sweat on?

Count me in. How many of you would join a female only gym?

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